Turkmenistan has made headlines with its unconventional ban on non-white vehicles, particularly black cars, sparking a wave of discussions and controversies. This review delves into the peculiar ban on colored cars in Turkmenistan, shedding light on the reasons behind this decision, the influence of President Gurbanguly Berdymukhammedov, and the implications of this unique automotive regulation.


The Ban on Non-White Cars:

Turkmenistan's capital city, Ashgabat, has witnessed a surprising ban on non-white vehicles, with black cars being the primary target of this restriction. The ban has led to the impoundment of cars of various colors, except for white, by police officials. The decision, reportedly influenced by President Berdymukhammedov's preference for white cars due to superstitions, has created a stir among residents and car owners in Turkmenistan.

Presidential Influence and Superstitions:

President Berdymukhammedov's personal preference for white cars has played a significant role in shaping Turkmenistan's automotive regulations. The ban on black cars and the promotion of white vehicles reflect the President's superstitious beliefs and his vision for a city adorned with white vehicles. The ban on non-white cars, including black vehicles, has led to impoundments and demands for car owners to repaint their vehicles in white or face fines, highlighting the strict enforcement of this unusual regulation.

Economic Impact and Public Response:

The ban on non-white cars has resulted in a surge in prices at local auto body shops, with car owners facing significant costs to repaint their vehicles in compliance with the new regulation. The economic implications of this ban, coupled with the challenges faced by residents in meeting the repainting costs, underscore the far-reaching consequences of Turkmenistan's color car controversy. The lack of clear communication from the government regarding the rationale behind the ban has left residents perplexed and frustrated.

Unconventional Rules and Presidential Whims:

Turkmenistan's ban on non-white cars is just one example of the country's unconventional rules and regulations that often reflect the President's personal preferences and beliefs. From bans on tinted windows and engine size restrictions to the current ban on colored cars, Turkmenistan's citizens have become accustomed to unique directives that shape their daily lives. The President's influence on the country's automotive landscape and the strict enforcement of color regulations highlight the centralized control and authoritarian governance prevalent in Turkmenistan.


Turkmenistan's ban on non-white cars, particularly black vehicles, underscores the country's unique automotive regulations and the influence of President Berdymukhammedov's personal preferences. The enforcement of this ban, the impoundment of colored cars, and the demands for repainting vehicles in white reflect a blend of superstitions, authoritarian governance, and centralized control in Turkmenistan. As residents navigate through the challenges posed by this color car controversy, the implications of this ban on non-white vehicles continue to spark debates and discussions about the intersection of personal beliefs, government regulations, and public compliance in the country.