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Find Car Loans in Turkmenistan

Purchase your next car with a loan with our verified partners

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Want to purchase a car or replace your old one? Or maybe you'd like to upgrade but miss some amount of money for your DREAM car?
AutoTurkmenis now partnering with major moneylenders in order to ensure you fast and easy loan. An access to leading financial structures is your golden opportunity for a really good deal. To apply for a Car Loan:
  • A valid Turkmenistan Identity Card/Passport is required.
  • A permanent source of revenue is needed. (BothEmployed and Self Employed individuals are permitted.)
  • Some deposit is essential as majority of banks won't lend you amount of money equal to full price of vehicle. (The % value of financing may differ from bank to bank).
  • At least 6 months of consecutive bank statements are needed.
  • If you are an employed entity, payslips for the past 3 months are necessary.
  • If you are self employed individual, proof of business will be requested (copies of contracts, invoices, receipts etc)
  • A car evaluation report will be required. (Each bank will grant their requirements)
  • A copy of logbook or sale agreement is necessary to provide.
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